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Join the diverse events that are happening all over the world.

You’ll get to meet other people, share and learn from one another.


Safe online spaces for us all to open up, connect and create spirit for action.

Think of it as a gathering around a fire if you were camping or hanging out at the park with friends.

This Week...

Get involved in what we’re coming together to explore this week.

It can be anything from conversation topics, practices, challenges and workshops.

Community Events

Take part in events hosted by members of the community connected to other initiatives and organisations.

Upcoming Events

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YCC Community Event | Women of the World

13 September 2021



Shameless! Festival.

A festival of Activism against Sexual Violence, produced by SHaME and WOW - Women of the World

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YCC | Compassion & Adaptation Circle

31 August 2021


Online circle

How do we create space to reflect, accept and adapt, so we have the courage to uplift ourselves and thrive?

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YCC | Compassion & Adaptation Circle pt 2

10 September 2021


Online circle

How do we create space to reflect, accept and adapt, so we have the courage to uplift ourselves and thrive?

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YCC | Self-Compassion Festival

3 July 2021


Online Live Event

Flourish within

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YCC | This Week...

10 September 2021


Online Interactive Workshop Circle

Self-compassion practices

Living true to our nature, we cultivate compassion at the heart of all we learn, how we serve, inspire and transform the world around us.

© 2021 Youth Compassion Collaborative. All Rights Reserved.

Initiative by

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